
hcipy.plotting.complex_field_to_rgb(field, theme='dark', rmin=None, rmax=None, norm=None)

Convert a complex field to an RGB field.

This function takes a scalar Field with complex numbers and converts it to a vector Field containing the red, green and blue values corresponding to the phase and amplitude of the complex input Field. The phase is decoded as hue, and amplitude as saturation/value. This function is especially useful for plotting complex fields.

fieldscalar Field or ndarray

The field that we want to convert.

theme[‘dark’, ‘light’]

Whether to modulate saturation or value as a function of amplitude of the input field. Dark mode modulates value, light mode modulates saturation.


The minimum value on the colorbar. If this is not given, then the minimum of the absolute value of the Field will be used.


The maximum value on the colorbar. If this is not given, then the maximum of the absolute value of the Field will be used.


A Normalize instance is used to scale the absolute value to the (0, 1) range used for the value or saturation for the returned color. If it is not given, a linear scale will be used.


A vector field containing the red, green and blue components.


If the supplied field is not a scalar field.